I lost track of my blog....
It's been a while... 5 days before Christmas.... we've been strucked by some unavoidable challenges... my dad was hospitalized coz by pneumonia, though his ok now... after 2 weeks,come this new one.. my niece, Aubrey Reine is again at the same hospital with this...no other than.... dengue...
How she got that fatal bite, we don't know, shes been all over the place...
Her pedia said, she has this strong 'resistensya' that she was able to cope up with the pain and blood (platelet) checking dilemma... aside from she really fought the virus before she was hospitalized...
it really breaks my heart seeing how she tried to stop whining and crying every time the doctors need another blood samples from her...
Last night, i visited her again at her room and i saw her skin, with red patches all over her body... her blood platelet goes down from 190 to 154 (the normal platelet without the dengue virus is 250) and her doctor said if it goes down, she will need a blood transfusion... and she got a rare blood type.... A
She is still in the hospital right now... lets pray for her speed recovery... I've been joking her that her cousin, Vince ,will get all his Christmas presents if shes still not up before Christmas day...i always encourage her to drink lots of fluid so her body will flush all the virus... i tried diverting her attention by giving her something to play with..
We all hope she can be well this weekend.... i know... God will heal His little angel...and she will join us in our house on Noche Buena...