Ugly Truth
I believe there are 3 sides of the stories, your version, her/his version and the truth. But the end of it, we all know that God can only know the truth above all.
I learned to hold my feelings for someone whom you thought your friend and a buddy in some ways. When all I think is genuine concerns to them to stop holding grudges on some issues they're not even included, they fire back to me and made me the worst person ever walked on earth. I’ve been a good friend to them for years and I’d become frank and freely talked to them on some issues and yet all I got now is this.
I know now what to do. At some point, I’m glad that I found out that this is where you draw the lines, on yourself and on the others. That even if you gave your all, at one snap of a finger, it will goes down the drain. Good thing I always keep for myself. And this is one valuable lesson of surviving in this temporary life.
Happy Sunday! :)
Series Marathon
I was amazed in the story line of series The Tudors mainly because I think 80% of the story and characters really happened in the year of King Henry VIII of
I started to read in the net the life stories of each of the characters and that makes me appreciate the adaptation of their life more. But believe me, you didn’t want to live in those years and in that place where the crimes were punishable by hanging, burning and the worst, chopping your body into 4 parts then boiling it. It was so devastating that you have to witness it happening in front of you.
This series brings me back to reading the old history of the king and queens in
Oh well, I’m glad that I can still give some insights to hubby when he’s asking questions about the Tudors dynasty. It refreshes my mind :)

I was craving for pizza yesterday and I kept looking at the web page of Pizza Hut when I came across their one particular pasta that really tastes good and delicious. I love spaghetti and this includes all kinds of pasta dishes.
Why I need those for my pasta dish? I’m thinking that time to cook shrimp and mushroom spaghetti in butter garlic sauce like I usually ordered in Pizza Hut. I simply love the taste. So after work, I went to the wet market and I’m hoping there are shrimps that I could buy. But lady luck was on my side, I was able to buy the fresh shrimps I needed and I did it! Hubby said it tastes perfect though it’s my first time to cook it.
He said I should try to cook different pasta dishes more ;) But i still want to eat pizza (ha-ha!)
Moments with Mom
Mom came to our house yesterday unannounced. I screamed Mom!!! from our room and asked her to go up. I missed Mom. I was thinking that morning to call her so she can go with us in Quiapo. But I guess we really had that strong bond together, she said after they ate lunch she suddenly thought of visiting me and she dressed up in a hurry.
Heavy rains stop our strolling moments so we take a cab and went to Mall of Asia where we meet my mother in-law. We ate dinner at the bay, and our first time at Presidents tea house. After that, hubby and I watched the Evil Resident 4 and Mama with my in-law waited for the 50% sale of French Baker. We just right on time after the movie and I go with Mama and choose whatever breads she wants. I know she’s happy and I’m happy that I made my Mom happy. I hope to do that more often.

A Day at Shangri-La
One of the top networks here in the Phils. held their annual Star Magic Ball yesterday at Makati Shangri-La and Ann Li of Pinoy Big Brother was one of the lucky talent of ABS-CBN who attended the event and was included in the cotillion dance. Some of the global supporters of Ann sponsored her stay in Makati Shangri-La hotel were we booked in advance since we know that it will be fully booked days before the gathering.
I was so amazed by the bonding we had for this group. Imagine, they booked for two more rooms. We came from different walks of life, young and old combined but we blended well. And Ann is a doll. Her beautiful perspective and her appreciation for those who supported her were amazing. She never gets tired on thanking them for all the gifts, support and love she’s having right now. Indeed, it was a night to remember and though I really wanted to stay there overnight, I have work and I need to go home.
Moving On
There are things that happened for a reason. And I as travel to work today, there are so many things that keep flashing on my mind. But I knew that to be able to move on is not to dwell in the past. You need to forgive your oppressors and forgive yourself for thinking against them just to get even.
You never thought that the person who will betray you is the one you helped the most during the critical days in life of that person. Who knew? We never know unless it happens and you realized that all the things you worked hard for is not that worth anymore.
As we take all the courage to stand up and prove them wrong, many will think otherwise. Suddenly you’ll stop because honestly, it doesn’t matter, the damage has been done.
We just hope that amidst all these things, we will just keep the faith. So heads up, look straight, and think of many wonderful things that will come your way because challenges will make you strong. Remember, nothing is indispensable when it comes to this. All we need to do is to believe in ourselves.
Anyways, happy TGIF, blogger friends! ;)
Just around the corner
I know it’s too early to feel, imagine and plan for Christmas, but September 1 marks the start of the Yuletide season here in the
I started to play some Christmas songs in the office. My office mates all claimed that they felt Christmas is just around the corner. They keep singing the songs, and I can only smile.
For me, there are so many things in my life that happened this year. I really don’t want the year of the tiger. It’s not for me. I can sense bad vibes celebrating my supposed to be my year. But above all the challenges in my family, we moved on, we keep our faith to God and we believe in ourselves. And I think that is what matters most.