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Get Well Soon

My father in law is sick (rheumatism and fever) and my father (Papa) is also sick with flu and colds. My back is aching because of my monthly period and I can't work out here in the office that much though i need to do lots of things because its declared holiday tomorrow (thank God, i will have all the time to rest the whole day!) =)

I pray that both of them will recovered soon. Well Papa will have a check up tomorrow at the hospital and i hope they'll text me that nothing to worry about Papa's condition.

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Kreativ Bloggers

Thanks Pau for the award! =)

I would love to give this award away to readers and bloggers according the following rules:

1. The winner may put the logo on his or her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees

My nominated blogs are :

Milet, Kate, Lira ,Aiza @ Cielo

Keep it up girls! Happy Blogging! :)

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Middle East Souvenir

My sister and brother's best friends was kind enough to dropped by on our house in Laguna to visits their long time friends and I was lucky that they handed me these cute souvenirs. The one from left is a Kuwait Towers as kuya's friend is a dine-in staff in one of Kuwait's hotel and from the right is the Burj Al Arab Hotel miniature glass display of this 7-star hotel in Dubai, UAE which was given my Ate's best friend. Friends working abroad always gave us a souvenirs for display. Maybe they know that me and hubby are fond of collecting cute displays in our bedroom. I asked hubby maybe we should look for a glass cabinet so it would look nice in our living room.

A cute little 3-year old girl, Kathleen (actually she's my hubby's grand daughter na ) pays us a visits yesterday and when they're about to leave early this morning she was cute enough to pose for a picture with Mico.

The weather now looks like it will rain again. Wishing you all a happy Sunday, friends! =)

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I really missed my hubby for almost one week because their team was so busy working and finishing their department 2009 budget. But at last it was finally over... and yesterday I asked him to go to Mall of Asia (yah, it's been our favorite mall so far) We ate dinner at Max's and we opted to watch a movie but we don't like the current showing so we just stroll around.

And there we saw the store of The world of Feng shui, and they are on sale. My eyes are really twinkling on every sale store thinking i might get a huge discount. I asked hubby we should go inside. The store really looks nice and colorful, and all items is on sale for 50% discount! But you know, lucky charms and display are really expensive but still, i looked on. Then suddenly, i asked the staff if they have a pomegranate flower ( that's a fertility flower i learned from watching 3 dads and 1 mom, a korean drama ...hehehe) but he said, its out of stock. So the flower is somewhat existing. But he offered me another fertility boosting lucky fruit. A grape tree... and he lead me to one side and let me read the description of how grapes can really help one soul. The price is quite reasonable so i bought it.

Hubby saw the display of the snow globes and i know he really likes it in our display so he choose to buy the princesses snow globe. And its beautiful. To my surprised, the staff put our items on a white basin and let me wish on it, i asked him whats that for? and he said many are looking and touching the products that one might have a bad aura that can pass to the new owner and they should cleanse it before giving it to the one who bought it. So i wished (you all know what is it) and he do some chanting..he have a small stick that he circled around the basin creating a deafening sound and tap the basin 3 times ( and it sound like a gong). He did that 2 times and he asked me to be the one to put the items in its boxes. I even joked the staff if they can put hubby inside the basin coz many are touching my hubby one can have bring a bad aura on us (lol!) They really have interesting items to buy and i hope i can still bought some while they are on sale.

Here are the items i bought and they are really nice and cute.
the princesses snow globe (its musical)

and the grapes tree (wish my wish came true.. crossed finger =)

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Small talks

My office mates are talking on different topics while eating lunch. First, on what age would you know you need to settle down? 2nd, how can you be sure you'll have a happy marriage? 3rd, can you live with your in laws?

After some deliberations, confessions, true to life novel-tv series stories, we end up our lunch time like that. But as i sit back in my place, i started to feel the discomfort. As if from all the talks, i'm the most affected but the truth is, i'm not. I'm happy being married. There are things that i know we should do but when you're in there, you will just keep your finger crossed. And it's natural that you feel empty sometimes, just smile and think of the brighter days to come. We pray a lot, i know we can get over it. And all the plans we had will soon be realized.

Anyways, Happy TGIF, blogging friends! =)

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Happy Blogsary !!!

It’s Eds Blogsary! Join her contest and have some moolah on your paypal!

MyCuteGraphics.com - Cute Glitter Graphics

My Precious Niche
Just Me… Eds
Eds Mommy Life

Contest will start on September 25, 2008 (12noon) till October 25, 2008 (12 midnight) Phil. time. I will announce the lucky winners on October 27, 2008 MONDAY!

2.) Subscribe to this blog

Enter your email address:

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3.) Comment on any post for a month on any of my blogs! That means, I will compute all those who commented that has formally announced that they are joining! Please keep in mind that I have 3 blogs ha! lol!

I will draw 4 great bloggers and the end of this contest. The blogger who has the greatest number of comments will win $30.00, the second placer will have $15, third placer will have $10 and the fourth placer will have $5 ! Any comments will do, for as long as it is a sentence, lol! 

So what are you guys waiting for? Join now!!! :)

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I've been bombarded by text messages and ym's yesterday and today. It's my fellow 'keeperz supporting Mickey Perz (of Pinoy Big Brother 2) who wants to just let out their emotions and their sentiments on the latest issues involving Mickey. Honestly, i lost track on Mickey's activities for so long, i admit that while talking to them, but Mickey knows i will always be there to support him no matter what. He and his family has been so good to us and no words can express how much we appreciated the love and kindness he and his family shown to us. His mom, Tita Perla never forget to greet us in special occasions even if she was so busy working in Switzerland.

For me, any personal matter should be talked about by the parties involve. Mickey knows the limitations and boundary of being a showbiz person and his personal life. We salute him for being the MAN as he is. He never change. And he never forgets. And whatever happens, he knows that we are here for him, silently looking, listening and loving him...

And for that, lets see what's keeping Mickey busy. I've got this to his PEX (Pinoy EXchange) thread... and I'm one of them there. Just keep on fighting MICKEY!!! AJA!!!


sept. 27, 2008 - saturday 12:30am TRIP NA TRIP

sept. 28, 2008 - sunday 11:30am ASAP ' 08

sept. 28,2008 - sunday 7:00pm SHALL WE DANCE

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Some bonding time

Mama (my mother) as i told in my previous posts really loves malling, shes 63 years old now but she never say no every time her children asked her if she wanted to go to the mall. I promised her last time that we will be going to SM to wait for the 50% discount in French Baker. And with the high prices of their breads, half price discount is worth waiting for. We meet at SM Sucat last night after work and my niece Aubrey joined in with his lola. After we got the number at French baker, we proceeded to eat at Lydia's Lechon as requested by mom and we chat while waiting for the time.

But honestly, I really love to spent some quality times with my mom. Eversince i got married, I miss being with them always. During the lowest days and when me and hubby are having some misunderstanding, i think of them. They are the one who made my life easier to handle. They are the one who gave me courage to move on and fight for what i believe in. My parents never judge me but they gave advise i know i will remember for life. You can talked whatever you want with them. They listened. We are not perfect but i know we are so lucky to have them.

Awww, i'm being too emotional! =) Surely, if she will asked to go again over and over to wait for the half price discount, i will lovingly do that for her.

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Our Kid’s Names

got this cute tag from Aiza, thanks ais! =)

Here’s a tag that I thought of just this morning. I just don’t know if it has been done before. I’m tagging all blogger parents, parents to be, single people planning to have kids who would come across this post. You know the drill, ladies and gents, so here goes….


Our baby name: if girl, we wanted to name her JADE AYESHA... Jade is my favorite name ever since, i even used the name as my username before... Jade is a Spanish name meaning is semiprecious green stone. And hubby wanted a name Ayesha, its an arabic name meaning beautiful, woman, girl.

If boy, I wanted to name him: JOSH ....yes, because of my fave Josh Hartnett! hehehe.... but the true meaning of Josh comes from the Hebrew origin meaning Jehovah is salvation (abbreviation of Joshua). I don't know if hubby wants to put a second name but definitely the first name would be Josh =)


If blog friends hasn't done this tag.. Im tagging Mhay, Milet, Vannie and Charm...

See? Wasn’t reminiscing fun?

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The news that China dairy products especially milk containing toxic substance ( industrial chemical Melamine) really gave us a scare. The whole family of my hubby is drinking coffee with milk and also my nephew Vince. Good thing Nestle Phils. cleared out that their milks are safe and they never import from China. Our brand is Nido and I am using coffeemate. They assured the public that their milk products are safe for consumption. Or else, I will be the one to sue them.. (hehehehe...)

With the rising victims up to 53,000 children affected by the toxic milk in China and now into their candies too ( like White Rabbit) i bet those Chinese candies being sold in the supermarket that people usually used in the trick or treat during Halloween season will be wasted and their sales will surely go down the drain. Singapore health authorities also found traces of melamine in China's products like yoghurt, confectionery such as chocolates, biscuits and sweets. And with the whole world banning all the milk products from China, this really will tarnish the reputation of the Chinese products.

I know there are lots of Chinese products being sold everywhere here in the Philippines, we should be extra careful in buying products in the local markets and groceries and should really check the labels. And we should not buy products that are packed without any labels and being sold in cheaper prices. There are various news here that students are hospitalized after eating puto (rice cakes) and a dessert called mais-con-yelo ( sweetend corn with crushed ice and milk). Maybe some ingredients used were expired or contaminated, we never know. We should not compromise the health of our loves ones. Remember, health is wealth =)

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We went to Mall of Asia yesterday to watch Hellboy 2, hubby was very persistent to watch a movie coz he said its been ages ago since he entered a cinema (but of course he's just joking, we always watched movies). MOA was on sale and there were many people doing their shopping and strolling around and you really can bump on each other on some places. You can feel Christmas is in the air, i can see Christmas trees being sold in discounted prices.

The movie time starts at 4:40pm and since its only 3pm, we had our snacks in Country Style donuts, had our VCD's shopping in Astroplus which i really grabbed the chance since the usual P275 price can change and lowered to P75! It's kinda windy that day (because of the storm, Nina) and hubby wants to stroll around the bay park but my stomach felt weird so we just view the area from the mall.

the bay view...

nice to see kids playing around...

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What happen?

We had a great time last weekend in Laguna, my sisters bestfriend in Dubai came with her whole family (and extended families, hehehe) and bring some grilled fish and pork and they really had a good time in the pool. I leave them early with Vince coz he can't stay long in the water. Though he keeps on begging me to stay for more, i insisted because i don't want him to be hospitalized again due to severe colds and cough. He even said to me, "tita, I want to be free! It's weekend today, no school, no study!" and every body in the pool laughed but i said no (i'm a kill joy tita!) but i know he understand and let me bathe him in the shower and went home.

Yesterday, my sister (Vince's Mom) attended Vince monthly meeting at school. After dropping Vince and the other kids (who stay behind with their Tita) at the church ,she went to school alone with her car and guess what happened? She was surely panicked when the guard said that she's late in the meeting and also when they said that she needs to park at the other side of the school - she immediately stepped on the gas not knowing that she was in the reversed! And she slams in the light post but good thing no one's there but leave her car left tail light broken and a massive bruises on the car's paint...

Well, and the rest is history. At least, she really knows now that she needs to be extra careful and don't panic.

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time for fun

It's TGIF again! and we will be going to Laguna tonight and my cousin will celebrate her 20th birthday there and she wants to do his celebration in the club house. Quite hot these days and the cool water of the pool is really inviting.....I'm looking forward to take a splash! Yey!

I have been working non-stop today and now is the only time i have this blog rest (hehehe...) but now, while im writing a post, my boss decided to conduct our monthly meeting here on our place (lol!)... I really wanted to go home but i'm glued and i can't have my swift escape....Grrrr!

I just wish all of my blog friends a happy weekend! Aja!

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I really believed that our very own "a small girl with a big voice" Charise Pempengco will make it big in the music world. Ever since her stint in the Little Big Stars Contest in Channel 2, she has been my bet while singing and hitting that perfect note. I was sad when Sam Concepcion beat her on text votes. But look at her now, making big in every country's music world. The Oprah Winfrey show paved way for her to meet her singing idol, Celine Dion when she sings the Titanic theme song, "My Heart Will Go On" with David Foster on piano.

And to top that was when Celine asked her to make a duet of "Because You Love Me" song dedicating all her success to her mom who did everything and anything to support her and her dreams to stardom.
As i watched the concert of Celine Dion in the Madison Square Garden in New York City in You Tube, i was awe strucked with Charise super voice and Celine really gave her all the time and just singing a bit. She really brought the house down and as Celine said while introducing Charise, "this girl can blow the roof of Madison Square with her voice". People were really clapping and shouting while Celine hugged and told Charise that she can't wait to see her doing her own full concert on that venue.

Huwaah! I was teary-eyed. Making me feel proud for this pinoy lass. God really blessed her.

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Thanks Pau! another award from you....

***start copy***

The rules of the award are:

1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you have nominated.

I'll give this award to all my blog roll, whose site is REALLY worth reading.

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Major Turn Around

There's lot of issues here in our office that needed a careful planning to come up with good decision in favor of everybody. Ever since we transfer here in our new place, one major impact was that the new location is somewhat "too far" for the majority of the staffs working here. Our workplaces were not ready on the time of our transfer and we suffered a lot when the A/C was only installed after 3 weeks.

I myself talked to my boss way before that i needed to be transfer to other position for the new loads in export are not meant for a female to handle. But i patiently waiting for him to seek out a male staff to replace me and hubby told me that i can resign once he got his promotion. I love to work, but the loads are out of bound. And everybody here knows that i need to rest so i can conceive. I am begging them to be put in a post not requiring too many physical works like I've been doing today.

I've heard that not only me are wanting to be transfer to other account or position. I noticed that our boss seems distress.. from client complains (work area, people, reports) to staffs clamor. So, I'll wait. And i hope it won't be too late.

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Sick Again

September is not a good month for me. I've been down with ear infection last 2 weeks and now I have a fever, flu and sore throat :( Yesterday, I woke up complaining to my hubby with a body ache. I thought it was just another simple ache and i take paracetamol but hours later, I knew something is not right. But i have an appointment with the doctor and the whole family suddenly drops by to send us in the hospital before they go malling. After the check-ups, we went to mall of asia to buy the medicines, but i'm already chilling and having a super headache. Still, we went to do the groceries and stroll on some stores. But my body really can't go on further and have to asked them that we need to go home. And so, the thermometer reads 39.1 and I'm so hot.

Right now, i still have fever and headache and feel like throwing up because of my sore throat. Blame it to the hot-cold weather and the not so good environment we experienced in our work place. I hate being sick :( I hope i'll be better by tomorrow but i already gave the notice to my boss and my back up just in case i still have a fever. But hubby told me that i still need to rest. And i think he's right.

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Three Dads, One Mom

And so, I'm into watching Kdrama in You Tube again... I've been so addicted in watching Kseries when Save the Last Dance was shown in Channel 2 way back i think year 2005, which stars Eugene and Ji Sung and their soundtrack is so good I once used to play it again and again in my office PC. From then on, I watched many Kdrama series and ventures to Taiwan series when It Started with A kiss became a hit here in the Phils. Even my hubby was hooked and he's with me when doing the marathon-- watching the whole episode till the wee hours of the morning during weekends. I even gained friends online exchanging pictures and infos of our favorites actress and actors. And take a leave from work to greet Lee Dong Wook of My Girl series at the Manila Int'l Airport when a friend gave me a special access to the VIP lounge where LDW stayed. I don't know but i suddenly stopped and became hooked at PBB (Pinoy Big Brother) and that change a lot. I still watched KDrama series but only those shown in the television. And now, I'm currently watching in You Tube --Three Dads, One Mom which also stars Eugene (my fave Korean Actress) and the ever cute Jo Hyun Jae (stars of Only You shown also here in the Phils). Since the series was shown here so late in the evening, i was already sleeping before it starts, i opted to watch in the net complete with the english subs.

So here's the details of the series.
  • Title: 아빠셋 엄마하나 / One Mom and Three Dads
  • Also known as: Three Dads and a Mother
  • Genre: Romance
  • Episodes: 16
  • Broadcast network: KBS2
  • Broadcast period: 2008-Apr-02 to 2008-May-22
  • Air time: Wednesday & Thursdays 21:55 (9:55 Korean time)


Song Na Young and her husband, Jung Sung Min, desperately want a child but her husband is unable to get her pregnant. Her husband's friends decide to help them. But Na Young suddenly loses her husband in an accident and she gives birth to her daughter but does not know which of her husband's friends fathered her child. The father of Na Young's child can either be Han Soo Hyun, Choi Kwang Hee, or Hwang Kyung Tae.


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I almost forgot its Friday today. With our system finally up just now and only when i'm about to leave the office...spending your whole day trying to figure our what else could you do to make yourself busy. Good thing we just do some warehouse inventory count... and that really keeps us very busy.

Hubby treat me at Luk Foo Cantonese Kitchen last night. Though i really wanted to say no because surely-i will eat a lot... i can't say no to the call of their yummy seafood pansit canton (hehehe..)Hmmm...

I've heard that my mother is in town ( in our old house in Pasay)... kinda miss her yummy viand and i'll surprise them later when i'll go there.

Happy Weekend, friends! =)

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Wasted Time

Our system is down here in the office since 8am this morning. Our job here depends on our clients system and we know what will be the result of this... pending works, manual jobs and lots of idle time thinking how can you make yourself feasible. My hunches are right, i've been having a hard time dressing up early this morning going to work since its raining the whole night and still raining that morning and I know people are at their most laziest this time. I told my hubby I'm still sleepy and maybe i should take a leave. But i mean that halfhearted, of course, i need to go to work. But now, here i am, sitting on my superior's desk ( he's using DSL) the only one who has an internet connection. Just got lucky he's busy on some things and he's not using his pc (hehehehe...)
Maybe this system down will last till the end of the day. Our boss is trying to solve this issues. Till when? our network provider and our IT is always like this - so wrong.

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The Cutie Mye Phenomenon

My hubby text me if i already seen the email he sent to me.. Thinking how important it is, i immediately log in and open his email. The subject is "News that Matter" and hubby said sorry for keeping this secret.. and gave me a link www.News3Online.com. Still clueless, and partly smiling thinking that it must be his much awaited promotion, I click the link and saw this...

Its the Cutie Mye Phenomenon.. hehehe, don't know how he do it, but i'm now a US candidate for presidency! (lol!) and that news talk about Cutiemye with matching high profiled political analysts and leaders talking about me... kulit!

At least my hubby have gave up some of his precious time to do that for his honey.. Aw, sweet. =)

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Friendship Award

Thanks Pau for the award... =)

They all are charmed with the blogs, where in the majority of its aims are to show the marvels and to do friendship; there are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut or that they propagate? Then let's try to give more attention to them! So with this prize we must deliver it to 8 bloggers that in turn must make the same thing and put this text.

I want to give this award for my 8 friends (and all those in my blog lists) in the blogging world who really gives me an extra strength and encouragement and help and love. Thanks a lot, friends!=)

Milet, Kate, Arlene, Vannie, Cielo, Charm, Mhay and Nita

"To know someone here or there with whom you can feel there is understanding in spite of distances or thoughts expressed ~ That can make life a garden."

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Reliable Companion

Hubby is in Mall of Asia now with the rest of his IT team for some "planning" session. Planning in the sense of bowling and billiards and dinner without their laptops out. Last night, when he showed me their full packed schedules this week (they have visitors from India) i'm amused with their boss pulling out some activities like this to let his men take a time off from such a stressful job.

With my hubby out, I'm here alone with our puppy, Chase. He has this habit that when I'm in front of my PC.. he runs around the room, pick up his dog house- tossed it up, pull out his blanket and bite it hard as if he wants to eat it too.. he growls a lot when he knows his doings didn't catch my attention. And when he's tired in mess
ing around, he jumps up in our bed, looked for something to play and chew..then slide down to rest and eventually sleep. That's our Chase. He loves to make us laugh showcasing his talents and he knows if ever I'm sad, he would lick my hand as if he's pacifying me.

And he likes to pose in front of my camera! Great dog isn't it? Take a look of his pictures.

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Office Stories

Rumors are every where! And this small office of ours is not an exemption. You can hear stories from different people and sometimes you don't know whats the real score. There are rumors that can really affect lives. Especially the nasty ones. I saw and knew some office mates resigning from their posts because of that. And it's really disappointing. You can't even explain yourself if that happens. I've been here for more than 5 years and people come and go... and so are their stories..

I just hope the recent rumors that spreads around here will reach the one concern. Because she's a she. A lady. And its quite alarming. We never though she can ever do that. And i know she don't want to be judge but she know that what she did is so wron. In people and in God's eyes. Because believing on something that you know from the start is wrong will never change the one you will hurt behind. You will never know the pain it caused them. And you'll swear it will never happen to you. How can you be love fulfilled knowing the cause of your happiness is their sorrow? Can you still both move on? Can you find fulfillment on the family that crumbles right in front of your eyes?

I myself was shocked when I confirmed the stories. And it really saddens me because I treated her as my younger sis and I am just an arm reach to enlighten her is she wants to.

I just hope she reads this. So she will know that there is still time.. God will always be there to guide us.

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Sunday's Best

So, how's Sunday? I'm not surprised when it rains a bit and then followed by a searing hot sunny afternoon. Weather are like this always, maybe because of the global warming. Our lunch was nilagang beef ribs,...yummy! baby Harvy came to visits us and he's so cute and chubby! Hay, i love babies! hehehe...

We choose to stay at home and we played warcraft and dota network games. Since baby harvy was at home we attended the mass in the evening after they left.

Tomorrow... another week of fully loaded works. I wish every month will have a holiday.. =)

So, wanna see a bouncing baby boy?cute!!!
baby Harvy Edmark @ 2 months old

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Keeps Falling

"Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me"

I have a plan in going to OB-Gyne today, a new one whose affiliated to our company's health card. Going to a certain doctor is expensive plus the medicines and the travel expenses should turn my eyes red because of crying... but i should never complain... I'm still free.. and i shouldn't worry.

Ayan, my post is related to the song above, hehehehe... But it keeps raining outside and the more i feeling lazy to move. I still have time though... but going to the doctor today would mean i need to take another leave of absence next week.. my boss would surely kill me!

I check my email and i'm happy that they all approved this blog that i submitted to them. See, there's still hope ( not related to the topic? ngee...) Anyways, happy weekend blogging friends! There's so many million reasons to be happy =)

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I tried to feel better last night when i heard that my sister got a middle seat tickets for the show Wanders in Casino Filipin0. Though we already watched the show, the urged to be with my whole family excites me plus the place was just so near in our house.

She even text us all that we meet at Dampa in Paranaque, a place where you can buy fresh sea foods and can ask any restaurant you can choose there to cook it for you. It's her treat when Vince got an average of 90.2 in his class card this first quarter. My initial plan was just to go to there in Dampa and don't go with them to watch the show. But my elder sister backs out and i have no choice but to fill her place. Nevertheless, the show was really great, I've seen new stunts i never seen the last time i watched them.

Cameras are not allowed inside the Casino but i took some pictures before we dig in for a really yummy free treat =)

the delicious sea foods

Papa and his alimango (bow!)

all serious (hehehe)

the kids at the back of the car

Vince and his buddy Mico

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I'm moving on... yes, since the weroam is currently giving me the connections (after on and off clicking) and i took this rare chance to create accounts and submit my blog for some opps and hopefully, i can be of luck to have one or more. But i know it will take a lot of patience and so, i'm hoping that this weroam will still work on weekends (wish, wish)

But i need to take a rest now and take my medications and the drops on my ear..meaning i need to lay down to bed. Hay, I'm alone in my room and i can't even go out to the nearest mall (fearing my ear will hurt).

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Sick Leave

My hubby was kind enough to leave his WeRoam and let me try the connection here in our house for its been ages since we got a connection as if were living in a remote area. I was about to get up when my alarm rings at 6:15am, but my right ear hurts. That time, i text my superior that i'm not going to work. I surely can't move with this, i need to do lots of things when i'm in the office and the doctor said i need to drop some otic solution for 3-4 times a day and a hot compress and i can't do that in our area. Yesterday, when i'm about to leave the office, my ear was really hurting and throbbing and when i reached home, i immediately laid down to bed, do the hot compress and dropped some solution. Hay, i hate being sick. And the not so good working environment in the office, as if we are in a heater, ( the AC is not yet installed) added to my problems. How can you ever work with that?

I'm so lucky that i got a connections now and here i am.. blogging all the way.. hehehe.. i do hope my ears are okey by tomorrow, i got tons of loads to finish =(

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To 5 Special People

Milet gave this award for me, thank you sis! you've been so helpful and generous in helping me in all my queries and some stuffs. I'm so grateful to have you...

I'm giving this award to Kate, Arlene, Lira, Cielo and Nita for their constant visits here in my blog. Take good care, guys!

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