It's never been easy living nowadays. I hope this year of the Ox will rise up as the month progresses.
Feeling the Global Crisis
New Weekend Fun
Sunday! Hubby wants us to watch Underworld 3 in MOA. But i need to do some errands today like ironing (gosh, i'm so dead worst in that part) and I want to go to Baclaran to buy new curtains for our room.
Hubby got his leave pay and treated us to dinner at Luk Foo restaurant near our place. That's why I'm telling hubby not to take a leave of absence from work for he will be rewarded every January of the following year (he-he) The foods were really great though their prices are quite high.
Here's the quick shot of the place and foods =)
Cute Blogger Award
Thanks to SharQue for this Cute award =)
Here it is:
1. Each blogger must post these rules.
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write ten facts about themselves. You need to choose ten people to tag and list their names.
1. I dream big. Always.
2. I'm a happy person, you seldom see me frown.
3. I love reading books and collecting them too.
4. During high school days, i wrote down some scripts and story about us in a scratch papers.
( and my class mates love to read it)
5. We thought writing can be my profession.
6. I want to take HRM in college but ended up taking Management instead.
7. I wish of a Tagaytay wedding before.
8. I love to cook anything and everything edible =)
9. Thinking of baking can be fun. I should try to concentrate on it.
10. Fond in collecting VCD movies .
There's so much more but the rules said only 10. So, i'm passing this to: Milet, Pau, Mhay, Mari,
Deep Thoughts
Actually, i have so many things in mind right now. But i don't think i can ever write it all down here. It's 2009 and i want to make a difference and i don't know how to start it just right. I have so many plans ahead but any unavoidable or intentional circumstances may hinder it all. And i will felt that "silent" sadness again.
But then again, I'm thinking positive. And i pray that this year will be our year. The best one.
Reading or Watching?

A Day in Quiapo
We went to Quiapo church. Outside, hubby saw a cooked yellow corn vendor and I bought for both of them as we stroll around. I stopped by for some fancy earring being sold in the street. I warned my sister to be careful with her cell phone and try not to text or call, coz' we never know, the place in notorious. We went to their market place and there I bought lots of fresh veggies and fruits in very cheap prices! We also showed to her the famous store of Excellente ham and gosh, their prices too went up!
My sister was happy and she said we should go there more often. Finally, my feet was already numb from walking so we end our little "mall" tour and went to our favorite Chinese restaurant in Sta. Cruz. We ordered special lomi, letchon kawali and special fried rice and were full enough to go for more sight seeing so we hail a cab and went home.
Weekend Plans and a Gift!
Hubby and I made some plans for tomorrow and I'm thinking to try and cook new main dish recipes I found in the net. But first, I need to check if all the ingredients can be found in the public market or else, I have to look for it in the supermarket.
This afternoon, I saw the Fed-Ex courier who looked for my office mate to received a special shipment. And you know what? the package was actually from Milet. Thank you letski! I really love it and I write some stuff on it already and hubby said it's cute. Love you, girl! -)
Keeping me Busy
Inspiring Blogger/Make my day award
My first 2009 awards.

Passing this awards to my blog friends who really inspires me to write more.Aja!
A Twilight Surprise
From Party to Work
He understood right away and promised me that it won't happen again. As i settled that night, I told him that it's all right to cook but I needed some little help from them.
Anyways, I'm glad that it's over and the party ended well. Now, the reality is.... I need to start working now, ha-ha! =)
Happy New Year!