Tatay cannot feel the pain anymore and he’s with our Lord God right now. Be in peace, Tatay, rest assure that we will take care of Nanay as you love her.
Rest In Peace, Tatay
Tatay cannot feel the pain anymore and he’s with our Lord God right now. Be in peace, Tatay, rest assure that we will take care of Nanay as you love her.
New Place and a Sad News
My mom usually hops along even if she’s tired of strolling around the malls with my youngest sister. She really has no problem making those long walks and long travel as long as she’s traveling by car. She has this new motto in life, “make the most of it while she can” And somehow it’s true, she’s took care all her 5 children all her life and now we have our own family, she can go wherever she wants and loving every minute of it.
I know it’s hard for my hubby letting Tatay and Nanay to stay in Pampanga when he was in
Friendly Blogger Award
- Take a Photo or install one now .
- Do not change clothes,do not trim the hair,the main image is to be captured (we want to see the real you...he..he..) .
- Post a picture that is in edit .
- Post these instructions (required).
- Tag people to show appreciation to them that touch your heart because of their friendly attitude (required).
- This is the real me, without make-up. For we've been out in the sun for so long and there's no need to put anything on my face even just a baby powder. I'm start blogging when Milet encouraged me to have a blog on my own, and i thought why not? and for so many reasons, i start my own blog and gain a lot of friends online and even share some personal stuffs and stories among ourselves and I'm happy i can pour all my thoughts and sentiments and my everyday life through it.
Life Challenge
The good news is Tatay is already had a go signal from his doctor to go home tomorrow morning. So hubby is rushing some documents from his office now. By next week, we will accompany my in-laws going back to Pampanga. That is the initial plan and I don’t know if hubby will look for the nearest hospital there in case Tatay needs some check-ups and blood transfusion in the future. They still need to talk about it, though. As for me, I can only give suggestions and I’ll stick with my hubby’s side for support.
Food Talks
Purse Talk
Passing this to: Milet, Mhay, Arlene, and Pau
Breath and Relax
I can’t imagine that holiday is nearly over. As we reflect and remembers God’s greatest gift through Papa Jesus, we went to Tagaytay and heard the mass about Papa Jesus 7 last words (before He died) at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. You might wonder that just the other day we were in Pampanga and we end up in the south part the following day. Well, it's because we came back last Thursday and our planned of an over night swimming in