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Get Well Soon!

My sister was hospitalized this afternoon because of UTI (urinary tract infection) and because all her antibiotics seem made her weaker and she got a high fever that she can barely walk by herself. So the went to the hospital with my other sister and my Mom and admitted herself because she said she couldn't take the pain anymore. I visited her after work since Olivarez Hospital is along my way home and my guess is as good as the stars in the sky, I saw a small family reunion inside her private room. But I’m happy that she’s okay now and she’s laughing when she said to her doctor that she need to get well soon because there are mall sale at SM Sucat (ha-ha!) this weekend.

When I had a mild UTI on our last annual physical exams, I went to a doctor and just like any other check-ups he gave me lots of high priced medicines. But I said to myself, all I want to clear this infection is to drink lots of water and the miracle buco juice. And it really works! I tried myself not to drink soft drinks or sodas anymore and at first I don’t like the taste of the buco juice but as I drink it often, I learned to love it and my UTI is gone!

I hope my sister will follow our advice though I know she hates buco juice just like her son. But now, all she needs is to rest. Get well soon my dearest sister =)

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