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A Tag of FOUR

Got a tag from Vannie.

Thanks sis! Like you, i think my 'sickly-slow' moods will be up to this week. Tsk, i need to get going....

What you are supposed to do…and please don’t spoil the fun…Click copy/paste, delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 4 people in your lists!

(A) Four places I go over and over:

  1. Office
  2. Mall
  3. Bedroom
  4. Laguna (my mom's house)

(B) Four people who e-mail me regularly:

  1. Hubby
  2. Sisters
  3. Friends
  4. clients

(C) Four of my favorite places to eat?

  1. Man Hann
  2. KKK ( in MOA)
  3. Star and Stripes
  4. Mc Donalds

(D) Four places you’d rather be?

  1. Safari in Africa
  2. Paris
  3. Baguio
  4. Tagaytay

E) Four people I think will respond:

  1. Kate
  2. Redel
  3. Mari-dee
  4. Cielo

(F) Four TV shows I could watch over and over:

  1. Heroes
  2. Smallville
  3. Amazing Race
  4. Animal Planet (meerkat manor)

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