Its TGIF again! and i've got lots of things to do...I need to go to Laguna, coz Chase (my pet dog) was already there waiting for me.. he has an 8in1 vaccine for his vet tomorrow and he badly needs that. That means, i won't spend my night with my hubby! huwaaah!! he can't came with me... he needs to stay in our home to attends on Tatay's needs.
Our birthday boy, Mickey Perz (of PBB2 edition) invited us to his celebration on Sunday, June 1. It is his 24th birthday! hmm... i still need to think if i could come.
Happy Weekend everyone!
Things to DO
Staying Healthy
I must admit i have this feeling that there's something wrong with me this past few days... I always feel a little pain on my stomach ( wait, i'm not preggy and i'm wishing i am), not on particular area but it is there..making me stop on what i am doing. I told my hubby about it and i knew his answer.. let go to the doctor.
He now do his check ups in Makati Medical Center, so i called Cocolife (our companys health card) office to provide me their coordinating doctor and his contact details at MMC. His schedule is 11am-2pm so i might as well take a leave from work next week.
Heres the catch... my guy officemate told me that they are suspecting the drinking water a certain water station is providing us..some of us in the office are having 'stomach' issues and we are getting our water from that water dispenser..Oh, once i know the cause of my stomach pains and that water is the culprit, i'm gonna get back to them..
But i just wish i'm okey. Nobody wants to get sick.. So tira-tira! (my girl aja, aja version)
1st Blog Award
1st Blog Award
Thanks Kate for giving me this award.. i would like to thank my friends, my family ( naks, pang Famas!) seriously, i'm so glad i'm gaining new friends online.. i can even share my thoughts and views with them, so happy with it. And I want to give this award to Milet, for encouraging me to create a blog and this is it, Mye me.=)
5 weight loss tricks
For some of us who wants to trim down our excess baggage.. now the time to do these 5 tricks.. Goodluck! =)
Here are five tried-and-tested weight-loss tricks.
1. Keep a diary.
Studies find that people who keep a food diary are more likely to lose weight and keep it off. To make the most of your food diary:
* Write the whys. Make a list of all of the reasons you're trying to lose weight. So you can live to see your children and their children grow up. So you and your husband can take that cross-country trek when you retire. So you can have the joy of burning the mortgage when it's finally paid off. You get the picture.
* Write the worries. What are you worried about in terms of your ability to lose weight? Do you think you won't be able to give up fried chicken or resist cookies-and-cream ice cream? Certain the holidays will derail your efforts? Writing down your worries and developing an action plan to address each one will keep you in control of your goal.
* Record your triggers. Every time you eat something you think you shouldn't, document how you felt when you ate it. Soon you'll see patterns, like the fact that you tend to dig into the ice cream when you've just had a fight with your daughter, you hit the drive-through when work gets stressful, or you eat the chips on the restaurant table because everyone else does. You may not be able to eliminate these triggers, but you can change how you react to them.
2. Don't eat like him.
If you're a woman trying to lose weight, one of your biggest roadblocks may be your husband. Studies find that women often put on weight soon after they get married. The reasons are varied. He eats bigger portions and you try to keep up (you only need about two-thirds of what he eats). You're cooking a full dinner every night, whereas in your single days a salad may have sufficed (a large salad with a bit of tuna for protein and an olive oil-based dressing can work well for both of you). Or you eat out more (it's far easier to eat healthily at home).
3. Downsize your plate.
Start using a salad plate instead of a dinner plate to encourage smaller portions.
4. Use the toothpaste trick.
Brush your teeth immediately after dinner to stave off late-night noshing. (When your mouth feels clean and minty, you're less likely to think about eating.)
5. Feel the difference.
Carry around a 5-pound bag of sugar for a day. Then notice how much lighter you feel when you put it down. That's how you'll feel when you lose 5 pounds.
source: Readers Digest

1.Copy and Paste the entire page comeback to me and asked me your numberHere.[link]
1.Filipino-Life-Abroad 2.Random Thoughts 3. Proudly Filipina 4. Everyday LivesBestfriend Blogs 6.Thoughts and Rambling 7. In my Kitchen 8. In the Life Of..Mine 9. Everything Has A Reason 10.Filipina In Hawaii 11.My Daily Ramblings RendevousPuzzle of my heart13. Mommy’s Little Corner 14. Blessed Chic 15. Dancing With Butterflies 16. Just Let Go 17. Pieces of Me 18. Momiespace 19. All about Mye Life
Do you know this game? well, in our office 2 or 3 years ago (i think) milet started this on her pc.. she used to play it during idle times at work. And then she finally introduced it to us. To play, we just used a small window and ready our fingers to alt-tab at the keyboard to change the window when there were bosses around... we went ga-ga over this game and we even played altogether to see whose got the highest point. At some point, we are all teary eyed coz our eyes were fixed at the monitor. That's how tumblebugs, tumbles on our office life.
Well, officemates come and go.. and now i think only two of us remained in the original players of Tumblebugs (hehehe, last man standing) but i never played again since.
Last Saturday, i saw the tumblebugs shortcut on our desktop pc.. my hubby was able to save all the games from our previous pc and then he and his nephew Mico relived the times that all i think of doing when i got home was to play tumblebugs... I did tried it once again though... and i'm happy that i reached level 9 in just one playing.
I'm still good, you know... =)
Daddy's Corner
got a tag from milet.. thanks milet!
Started by Mitchteryosa
1) Copy from {Start Copy Here} to {End Copy Here}.
2) Blog Brag about your husband - yes, the father of your child/ren. As I’ve said singles may also join by bragging about their own fathers, or even grandfathers. It doesn’t matter! Of course, Daddy bloggers themselves may also join, but you have to blog about your fathers and not about yourselves, deal? Okay. Good.
3) Add your blog in the list below linking to the post that you just made. Or if you wish, do it as how I’ve done it in my other blog by adding a new page.
4) Leave some love here. Yup. Here. Thanks!
5) Let’s not forget Peppermint Creative for the corner border I used for the badge.
When Silence Speaks Everything About Deye Etc Atbp Pinay Mommy Online Coffee Cup PrincessGarden of Moments Aeirin’s Collection Never Dainty The Long Journey Of My Life A Mother Of Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow Everything That Has Breathe Praise The Lord Can Of ThoughtsAnything And Everything In Between No Place Like Home Pinay WAHM Only In Silence Bisdak Footprints Simply Me, Simple Life Fun.Fierce.Fabulous Supermodel Wannabe MomieSpace All about Mye Life
{End Copy Here}
My haney, ( he calls me honey) my hubby is also my best friend. He knows my every mood. When i'm flipping again on nothing, he calls me "ate" ( I'm 2 years older than he is) and a remarks that " dinadaan ko daw sa idad". We always ended up laughing so hard. He is the man every hopelessly romantic women hope for (naks!) why? bcoz he is such a super romantic guy. He never fails to surprise me with something new.
At one point before we got married we been into lots of challenges, but we made it through.. Maybe God wanted us to be strong before entering in the "no cancellation" contract of marriage. He is well loved by my family.. he really knows how to deal with everyone around. He's not perfect but who wants it? He is simply amazing.. I'm so blessed that he is my hubby...I can only ask for one thing more... babies....
Now I am tagging Kate Joy and Cielo
Manic Monday
Feeling sluggish again... my body ain't working right this time...i told my hubby last night, i don't want to go to the spa, coz i need to wake up too early for work. But he won't budged in... he said, i need to relax but now, i think i have a muscle stress. Too much malling and he keeps on walking around as if my hubby don't feel tired at all. Imagine that, my feet are really aching. And now, back to reality.. its time to work..
Adding to that, got some problem here at work.. hayyyyy.... i need to stretch out a bit.. it will be a long day and week for me...
Gotta move on!
More About Me
Got this tag from Lira
Thanks sis!!
Participants: Tere-Blessing in Life 2.Yen- Me and Mine 3.Aggie - Pink and Brown Diaries. 4. Mich - Random Thoughts 5. Vannie - FunFierceFab 6. Jane - My Charmed Life. 7. Abie – Women Xplore 8. Jody - In This Game of Life 9. Eds – Just Me. 10. something purple 11.vanity kit 12. em's detourmind bubbles 14. In Demand Opinions 15. Sweet Lullaby 16. MJ's Hurrah17. Buzzing AroundTasteful Voyage 19. A Mom's Note 20. All about Mye Life
1. What do you want for your birthday?
A out of the country tour.. or a Lea Salonga.. Cinderalla tickets
2. Who will be your next kiss?
Its always been by hubby...=) my niece and nephew
3. When was the last time you went to the mall?
Just yesterday
4. Are you wearing socks right now?
5. How did you spend your summer?
Stay at my mom's house in Laguna, swimming at their club house (para mas mura) hehe
6. Have you been to the cinema in the last 5 days?
7. What was the last thing you had to drink?
8. What are you wearing right now?
a very cool top tank and short
9. What was your last purchase?
An office shoes
10. What was the last food you ate?
Just now? bread with liver spread
11. Who would be the person you would call if you were up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep?
12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
yes, a pink tshirt
13. Do you have a pet?
yes! a cute puppy... a miniature pinscher named Chase
14. What made you laugh in the last 5 days?
my puppy, super active but sweet dog, funny stories on Vince's taekwando lessons
15. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
maybe in Laguna preparing for a sumptuous lunch.
16. What is the last thing you purchased online?
Pooh and Hello Kitty blanket
17. One thing you hate about yourself?
im super sensitive now a days.. dunno not like this. stressed?
18. Do you miss anyone?
yes, my dad.. my pamangkins... i havent been in Laguna for the past 2 weeks now.
19. What are your plans for the day?
Malling again... =) this time in SM makati
20. Last person you msg’d?
my sister.. to pick us up here...
21. Ever went to a camp?
22. Are you a good student in school?
yeah.. sort of... a dean lister and a partial academic scholar
23. What do you know about the (your) future?
i'll just live a life one day at a time.. but we do have plans...
24. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
yes, a babyflo summer blossom and hugo women
25. Where is/are your best friend/s right now?
shes in Ilocos Sur.. my bestfriend since elementary.. hehehe
Its your turn friends.. im tagging Milet, Blog gurl, Kate, Angel and Yeyen.
Lazy Saturday
i called my sister and borrowed her car.. since, her Saturday is usually a lazy day, i know she would just sleep in the afternoon and will go in the mall on Sunday. And so i am right, she told me its ok to borrow it provided that I'll replace the gas we will consume. That's great! rather than riding a taxi, might as well use the fare for the car's gas.
I should be at Tagaytay today... working my mind and body to our company's team building. But since, i am just a replacement for somebody who backed out... i asked my boss if its ok if i will not join in todays activity and instead, enlist me to the next batch....
Good thing he said ok and he understand my explanations and asked my guy officemate to replace my slot.
So now, im here in the house, blog hopping, waiting for my ate to come over here...
My World: Win $Cash In July
On Juliana's way of thanking her online friends, readers and fellow bloggers on her first Anniversary as blogger, prices will be given away to the lucky blogger by clicking the link below....
join the fun!
My World: Win $Cash In July
I am very delighted to let you all know, that I’m running my first ever contest on my three blogs: My World, My Library and Juliana’s Lair. I will be celebrating my first anniversary in the world of blogging this coming July 19, 2008. I can’t believe it will be a year soon, and I have enjoyed this experience immensely.
As my way of thanking my readers, my blogger friends and my constant visitors, I’ll be giving away cash prizes to contest participants with the highest accumulated points across all my three blogs.
1st place - $100.00
2nd place - $ 55.00
3rd place - $ 40.00
4th place - $ 30.00
5th place - $ 25.00
The contest starts today, as soon as this post is published and ends on July 19, 2008. Contest winners will be announced on July 23, 2008.
Here’s how to earn points:
1. Comment on my blog posts.
- Every comment is equivalent to 1 point. You can only leave a maximum of two(2) comments per post and the comments should be relevant to the post.
- Comments on my posts starting from entries written starting February 24 ,2008 counts. Only comments written starting today, March 2, 2008 are valid.
2. Copy and paste then publish this entry about the contest on your blog.
- You earn 30 points.
- Please inform me of the link so I can validate and add the points you earned.
3. Mention this contest on your blog by linking to this post.
- You earn 20 points.
- Again, please leave me a comment notifying me about this so I can credit your points.
4. To add an element of fun, since many of my readers have been asking about how old me and hubby are, let’s play a guessing game.
- If you join the fun, and make a guess you’ll earn 10 points.
- The right guess/guesses will earn 30 points (if both ages are correct)
Only one right guess will earn 15 points.
- Again, leave me a comment so I can credit your points.
(Hint: the pictures you see on my three blogs are all current except the wedding pictures, which were taken when we celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary three years ago.)
The running accumulated points across the three blogs, will be posted on the side bars of the three blogs to keep you updated on your points earned.
Should there be a tie in any of the prizes at stake, a drawing will be held to determine the winner of that prize, and the person/s not drawn will win the next prize.
Prizes will be remitted to the Paypal accounts of the winners.
Easy enough, right? I hope you’ll all join the fun.
Yey! It's Friday!
I'm early today at work, so that means i'm going home early too! But need to finish this filed up papers for export.
My supervisor asked me if i can join in the company's team building tomorrow at Tagaytay City. Hmpt! look at that, informing me just a day from the actual event. And i need to confirm if i can go or not at that very moment. So, i text my hubby and asked him if its ok. Or do he has some plans for tomorrow, he replied that its ok,theres still Sunday for us ( its just a whole day event). So i gave my boss the go signal.. But, i still need to check on the agenda for tom. I don't want another body aches.... and i know team building will surely give you that.
I still remember my last company outing on my previous company. I thought it was a happy swimming at White Rock at Subic.. but it turn out, there were games that really burned my calories down but leave me muscle strains, body aches and bruise on my knee cap! oh, i really hate relay games...
Company outings are in this days, since its already rainy season, prices on their corporate package slims down. So, better pack up your things plus your umbrella and jackets... =)
Friendship Around the World
got a tag from Milet.... thanks Milet!
1. Copy from ::Start Copy Here:: through ::End Copy Here::.
2. Add your blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. Just make sure to post this to each of the blog you added in the list.
3. Tag other online friends you know.You don’t need to be tag in order to join. If you want to join just post this one in your blog.
4. Let me know your blog’s name and url by leaving me a comment HERE. I will add you to the master list.That way, everyone is happy and can meet new friends too!
5. Come back once in a while to get the master list! Let’s see how this makes our Technorati and PR goes up!
6. DO NOT REMOVE THIS: scrap page made by Yen. Using alphas and tapes from Kate H., flowers from Ida,paper by Catrine.
1. Me and Mine 2.Creative In Me 3.Little Peanut 4. Pea in a Pod 5. Sugar Magnolias 6.Because Life Is Fun 7. Piece o’Kaje 8. Mon a Bric 9. Celebrate Life 10.My Journey11. Deeply In Love 12. Pink and Brown Diaries 13. Happyheart 14. Wilstop 15. FunFierceFab 16. Nita’s Random Thoughts 17. Nita’s Corner 18. Thomas Web Links 19. Thomas Travel Tales 20. Make Money Online 21. Great Finds and Deals 22. PRC Board Exam Results 24. My Wandering Thoughts 25. Nita’s Ramblings 26. Just Me.. Eds 27. Etc Atbp 28. When Silence Speaks 29. Juliana’s Lair 30. Juliana’s World 31. Juliana’s Library 32. Blessed Chic 33. Can of Thoughts 34. Hailey’s Domain 35. Hailey’s Beats and Bits 36. ISL family 37. Arbitrary Thoughts 38. D’ Cooking Mudra 39. My Big Picture 40. Dancing in Midlife Tune 41. Blessings In Life 42. My Colorful World 43. Dare to Blog 44. Life Realities 45. WebGeek Journal DotNet 46. WebGeek Journal 47. Let’s Travel Philippines 49. MY DAILY THOUGHTS AND MOODS 50. A Sweet Taste Of Life 51. My Life in this Wonderful World! 52. Denz Techtronics 53. Denz Recreational 54. Surviving Deplyoment 55.Being a wife. Being a Mom. 56. Momiespace 57. All about Mye life
::End Copy Here::
The most courageous stories
Yubis was filled with grief and didn't know where to turn. Just last year, Yubis's pastor husband was brutally murdered as a martyr in
With the help of The Voice of the Martyrs, Yubis was able to receive practical assistance along with counseling for her daughter. Taking it a step further, she is now enrolled in Bible school. In a recent interview she told us …
You may not hear stories like this on your local news, but you can learn the truth about Christian persecution as it is happening around the world. You can also learn to pray effectively and discover ways to get involved.
Don't let your brothers and sisters suffer in silence. Please request your FREE subscription to The Voice of the Martyrs award-winning newsletter today. Simply follow the link below to receive your free subscription.
Cuts like a knife
Have you experienced it?
I do now... and its very painful... you see, my officemate asked me for his cutter blade refill and since i'm the one safekeeping our office supplies, i thought it would be better that i should replace my cutter blade too. I'm assigned in the export side so my pink cutter is my buddy all though out the years of handling the packaging, i just need to change the blade from time to time.
I should have known how dangerous handling this new blade is, and just a mere slip on the box while removing the stickers costs me a lot of blood and a long cut in my left hand ( as if you cut pork with a knife).. huwaaah!!! good thing my officemate helped me to clean the wounds and i just bought a first aid kit for warehouse use. Now, i just replaced it with a band aid coz my hubby will surely notice it..
Its a bit painful now, but it pains my pride too. I'm using this it for years and I should now know how to respect this cutter.
Mye Blog - the beginning
Opps, i noticed i didn't blog yesterday... .. milet helped me to improve my site and benefit from blogging. I got so excited that we chat online yesterday afternoon that after she said bye, work loads filed up in my table.. =) but, i finished it ok so no need for the guilty feeling.
Actually, shes the one who introduced me into blogging.. and i kinda hesitated at first coz im not into internet. I like and love to read books, singing and playing my music. But blogging? well. there will always be a first time.. and here i go now... posting more than 50 posts and whenever events or happenings in my life, i get so excited to tell you guys about it.. no, its not so excited, its overly excited.. hehehe...
So now, i got to see a wider world of blogging... new friends, new chatmates.. and i'm so happy and glad about it..
For the 3rd time this May we do our groceries at MOA. And only after we finished at the cashier then i realized that were spending more on our stocks and supplies... but it can be explain, we needed it since Tatay was hospitalized and more and more of his relatives from the province came by to visits him and come Thursday, we are expecting another batch of visitors in our home.
Prices are all soaring high..i can't imagine that for just 4 bags of groceries can cost you a whooping P3000+. Though i needed to budget things out, when my hubbys with me doing the buying... i can never perfected a good budget plan. He's an impulse buyer. When he likes to taste this or try that, oh well, i just crossed out my lists.
Next month, i'll try to focus more on the priorities. That is, if my hubby don't come with me. =)
Ayan, i bump on an article about beef in Readers Digest... naku, fav ko pa naman ang beef over chicken and pork.. on, guys....
- Contains a wide range of nutrients, including valuable minerals, particularly iron and zinc
- High intakes are linked to cancer of the colon
- Too much beef fat can contribute to heart disease
Current trends towards vegetarianism and the possible links between eating red meat and heart disease have led to white meats gradually replacing beef as a major source of animal protein. Nevertheless, the nutritional benefits of beef should not be ignored, though the quantities of minerals it contains varies substantially, depending on the soil which supported the animal's grazing or on the components of the manufactured feed it consumed.
Due to modern breeding techniques and popular demand, beef is much leaner than it used to be. Lean beef contains less than 5 per cent fat, less than half of which is saturated fat, so that the risk of beef raising cholesterol levels has fallen. Nevertheless, there remains an apparent link between the incidence of cancer of the colon and people whose diets include large amounts of red meat.
The nutritional composition of different sorts of beef varies widely - for example 100g (3 1/2oz) of corned beef contains 950mg of sodium, compared to 320mg in stewed mince, and only 56mg in grilled lean rump steak. The total fat in 100g (3 1/2oz) of corned beef is 12.1g, in mince 15.2g but only 3g in lean rump steak....
Study Tips for Kids and Parents
Since school time is fast approaching.. and almost everyone with Kids going to school are all in the mall shopping for their school things.. bag, pens, paper and cute lunch boxes.. hay, i'm missing old school....
here are some tips... from Readers Digest.
With school back in session, here are tips from Oxford Learning to get your kids through school and dreaded exams.
1. Listen and hear. Pay attention in class. Jot notes on the main ideas. Don’t understand something? Make a note and ask someone to explain it to you.
2. Ace your homework. Use a planner to enter homework as soon as it’s assigned. Pick a comfortable place to do homework and study.
3. Study effectively. Divide material into units and assign each unit a day. Give yourself a three-day break before the test. Study in short bursts – 15 minutes at a time – then take a five-minute breather to exercise and refocus.
Use Oxford’s SQRCRC method to study:
Survey introductions, headings and summaries for main ideas.
Question: “What do I hope to learn by reading this?”
Read for details.
Cover the work.
Recite what you’ve just read.
Check how well you have done.
Parents1. Help your child prepare a study schedule, and review it together every morning.
2. Create a special work environment that encourages best efforts and makes it easier for your child to get into study mode.
3. Get involved. Your interest shows them that school is important.
Diet Tips
| |||||
Sunday Rest
It's amazing that we never gone to any places outside today. Suddenly, we felt that we needed a much deserving break and rest since Tatay was hospitalized. Since my hubby is the only child, he needed to take a leave from his work just to personally check and monitor Tatay.
Actually, he is urging me to buy something at SM sucat. My hubby has this habit of releasing his "stress" through malling.. and thats our big difference.. he is a man and he wants malling than his wife...hehehe. But since he started this morning in rearranging our room and i finished it off because his cousins came by. I went so tired that i took a nap and told him i dont want to go out today.
I'm glad he heed... and instead, started again rearranging the room... this time, of his parents.
Another Day
Got some good news, guys.... my father in law was released from the hospital today. Some of his relatives came by from Pampanga and help on some stuffs.
After sending him home, we went to MOA for some stress free malling only to find out that the biggest mall in asia was jam packed with people! whew! we watched Iron Man instead and i'm recommending this one coz its a must see movie... but the ending was saying it will have a part 2. We thought there will be a fireworkds display but hubbys cousin told us that it was cancelled. Eiww... we stayed at MOA till 7:30pm only to find out that theres no pyro show at all.
It was a tiring day but we had fun. And just as we stepped inside our house that the heavy rain pours. We are so lucky, indeed.
"It's Friday"
Friday again! but not with our usual plans of going to Laguna every weekend.... my father in law is still in the hospital.. hope he'll get well soon.
I really dressed up nice this day, dunno why but i think i need to use my clothes that i bought in special occasions. It's all filing up in our cabinet and i thought of matching it my my maong pants so it will not look to formal for a dress. And i'm starting to use my other shoes and sandals too coz my hubby is complaining that our shoe racks belongs to my sandals and shoes alone =) and i'm never really using it. It was just there with the moth balls.
Tomorrow, my to do list is to check on my old clothes and shoes if its still ok to use or not ( or for the dress, if its still fit... hehehe)
I was so frustrated that i already found my coinpurse but never the P500 i said missing the other night.. Maybe i'm again a victim of my clumsiness. Grrr... to think i had a bag in a bag. And P500 is 500! lots of things to buy with that money... hay, another toink! in my head for that.
I surely have lots to do this weekend. Goodluck to me and hope i can still enjoy it.
My hubby got a surprise for me.... he installed his weroam here in our desktop pc for me! Wow! we finally kissed and made up for because of my "first day" tantrums ...i thought of making it up for him...and i know that food is the best way to his heart so i treated him at Stars and Stripes resto in Mall of Asia. I just stared at the bill receipt after the crew gave it to me, and i saw the familiar i-told-you-so smile in his face. Well, foods there really taste good so you have expect to pay more... And after all, its payday time for me. I just drink 4 glasses of their bottomless iced tea to compensate for their high prices! hehehe....
Now, im so happy blogging using my desktop pc, i just feel at ease using it than our laptop. Also, he showed me the folder of my House of the dead games! weeee!!! feel so great i can give him a good back massage. But i'll do it tomorrow, he's here beside me, soundly sleeping... and yah, its time to call it a day..
"First Day"
Kinda slow moving... its my "first day" and i can't just move properly... so sorry on my mood swings, i snapped at my hubby over text, i can't laugh on my office mates corny jokes... i want to eat but i'm so lazy to buy some foods outside (good thing, my officemate gave me her pansit) and i don't want to work at all!
Just want to lay down and rest but i need to wait till 5:30pm and travel for more than 1hr before i can say, home! Arrgh, i still need my to do lists!
My Things To Do
Working is such a tiring task. When you're working non stop, you would wish you're got a lot to spend with so you will just sit and relax all day. Thats why i always anticipating the coming weekend just to taste a bit of freedom from work.
Just this morning, I walked Chase outside until hes done in his morning routine. I forgot to watch Meerkat Manor epi in Animal Planet channel last night, so i watched it this morning (good thing they have a replay).. these animals really fascinates me. Prepares my food for lunch at the office, take a bath, bid my dog goodbye (my hubby stayed in the hospital).
Moving forward, heres my to do list:
1. Visit Tatay in the hospital.
2. Proceed to Mall of Asia to do some groceries. Its payday today and were running out of stocks.
3. Look for my missing coin purse and a P500 bill in our room. I suspect Chase got it from my bag when i'm sleeping (bad dog!)
4. Watch PBB and Maligno (kapamilya ako eh.)
5. Prepares food for tomorrow.
6. If i still have time, i'll blog.
Now lets see your to do list : mah blogs
This is ME - Today
Got a tag from Milet
1. List 6 things that describe yourself today.
2. Add your blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs.
3. Tag other online friends you know.
Mye ME:
2. Busy - one thing you've got when you're on leave at work the other day, workloads are waiting for you at your office table.
3. Sad - my hubby just called and he told me that my father in law is still under lab tests and blood transfusion.
4. Achy- is this included? im having a really bad head ache today. Much of the thinking.
5. Anticipating - lots of domestic work when i got home now that they are all busy in Tatay needs in the hospital... need to change from being employee to super darna!!! (hehehe)
6. Hungry - i think i need to eat my mirienda. I'm not satisfied with what i ate at lunch.
Links: Creative In Me | Little Peanut |Me and Mine | Pea in a Pod | Sugar Magnolias |A Slice of Life| Simply Jen |Jenny Said So | This and That | We are Family | Mommastuff | MoMieSpace| Being a wife & mom | All about Mye Life
Now I am passing this tag to Mah blogs